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Reiki treatment is becoming more common in the West.  The word Reiki stems from a Japanese word that means “Universal Life Energy”.


Reiki is widely recognized as a route for energy to heal you and is a safe remedy for all.  It encourages perfect health and hapiness and can be practiced by individuals of all ages during times of wellness or times of sickness and works by restoring an individuals life force energy and increasing the immunity within the body.


Treatment with Reiki helps the body to combat illness.  Positive, healthy energy is transferred to the patient.  The individual receiving the treatment may feel an exciting or calming feeling deep within their heart and their soul.  The encounter is often religious and spiritual and works on many, many different levels.


Treatment with Reiki has many advantages.  It’s frequently used for relief of nervous tension and to aid the body combat and prevent sickness.  The Reiki power is felt to the individual to calm them down and reduce their pressure.  This allows the individual to experience the world better and think clearer.

The more Reiki energy that one receives, the better their Reiki experience will be.  When a sick or anxious person receives Reiki their body becomes positioned to receive the amazing energy and help itself to become better and healthier than ever before. Additionally, one can begin to spread Reiki energy to their relations helping them to discover their heavenly purpose and to reveal their life objectives. Purifies the body from poisons and improves creativeness and numerous other things. Reiki is a gentle and amazing treatment that can improve your life.


Reiki is performed with the client fully-clothed and lying in a comfortable place. The practitioner places her hands in specific patterns above the body starting from the head and moving down the body. Healing energy is passed through her hands and the Reiki energy goes where it is needed to heal the body, mind, and soul.

Receivers of Reiki often report a deep sense of relaxation, floating, and often visualize intense colors.  Reiki opens energetic pathways blocked by disease or emotions and allows the flow of “Chi” or Universal Life Energy. When Chi flows without blockages, we achieve a state of health and peace.

Although the practitioner calls upon a higher power for healing, Reiki is not a religion and is gaining acceptance in the mainstream medical world. As a matter of fact, Reiki is now being used in some hospitals to calm patients before and after surgery and to promote faster healing.

​   Some of the conditions Reiki has been used to treat are:

    Pain Relief

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