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How Stress Affects Us

Stress can affect us physically, emotionally, and mentally.  For some, stress causes them to sweat, or get a dry mouth, or a headache, or tense muscles, or heart burn, or an upset stomach, or constipation, or diarrhea.  For others they may become forgetful, or they can’t think of the word they’re looking for, or they get “brain for”, or mind chatter, or they become irritable or depressed, or it might affect their ability to sleep.  And maybe for you, it’s a combination of several of these. Most doctors will tell you that stress is the number one cause of illness.  That’s because stress is a mild form of shock. Let’s look at some ways that we can relieve stress.

Deep Breathing

Deep breathing is an easy stress reliever that has a number of benefits for the body.  It oxygenates the blood, which “wakes up” the brain, relaxes  muscles, and quiets the mind.  The lungs are also the “pump” for the lymphatic system which is the garbage picker upper” of the body. Deep breathing exercises are especially helpful because you can do them anywhere, and they work quickly to relieve stress now.

To practice deep breathing exercises, breathe in slowly through your nose for a count of 5, hold for a count of 2, then exhale slowly through your mouth for a count of 8.  Now, most people like to have flat abs and a big chest, but when you’re doing deep breathing exercises, forget that and focus on expanding your diaphragm.  In the a count of 5, hold for a count of 2, then out for a count of 8. For a boost to your lymphatic system (which will also boost your immune system) try deep breathing for 20 minutes, two times a day.  The drive to and from work is usually a good time for this since you’re trapped in your car anyway.

Guided Visualization

Guided visualization can provide significant stress reducing benefits; including physical relaxation and  helping you get inspiration that may help you better manage your life so you can reduce stress.  There are so many studies demonstrating the health benefits of guided visualization that many hospitals are incorporating it as an option to help patients with treatments. Guided visualization CDs are available or you can do it yourself.  

Music Therapy

Music therapy has shown many health benefits for people with conditions ranging from stress to cancer.  When dealing with stress, the right music can actually lower your blood pressure, relax your body, and calm your mind. Music has a frequency that resonates with the frequency of emotions. If you want to encourage a feeling of excitement in your home then you play up-temp, fun, dancing music.  If you want to bring about a calm, peaceful state, then play calm, peaceful music. That's music therapy!


Essential Oils

Smell is the only one of the five senses directly linked to the emotional control center of the brain. From anxiety to depression, fatigue to stress, essential oils have been used for their effects on the emotions. The therapeutic constituents of essential oils help re-establish balance.

Lavender is well known as an essential oil that promotes relaxation. Chamomile is another essential oil that is considered calming as is rose, jasmine, sandalwood, and cedarwood. 

Foot Zone Therapy

Foot zone therapy (Reflexology)helps to release tension, cleanse the body of toxins, improve circulation, harmony and peace in your home and life.

The entire foot which corresponds to the entire body is worked. Blockages are often felt which signifies problem areas with specific body parts or organs. These areas are massahged to clear the blockage which assists the body in correcting the imbalance. 

Natural Stress Relief

Stress is a fact of life, especially in our fast-paced, busy lives. We all have it – driving, work, shopping, kids, cooking, family, neighbors, bills, the list goes on.

​While most people realize that stress has an enormous impact on their health, when you ask them how to best manage it, few healthy alternatives are offered besides exercise or going to the gym.

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